The Ritz story is not surprising. They put sales incentives on items they want to move and pay their help poorly enough that most will push those items in order to try to survive.

On Tuesday 21 December 2004 23:41, William Robb wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter J. Alling"
Subject: Re: istDS gets widely spread ...

>I don't know, the local Camera emporium is pushing the Pentax
>*ist-Ds and the Canon Digi-Rebel.  They don't seem to like the
>Minolta, are actively discouraging interest in fact and don't even
>talk about the

When I was in buying my Christmas present to me yesterday, they had a
stack of istDS kits on the counter, and they said they were selling
them hand over fist.

Where are you located? here in Northern Virginia, it seems to be all about
the Nikon D70 or the Canon Digirebel. I had to do a lot of looking to find a
store that even stocked pentax DSLRs. When I got there, the *istD was on
display but very high up and without a real nameplate or anything to attract
attention. The shopgirls seemed to like it, but I got the sense that they
didn't sell too many of 'em.

This was at a Ritz Camera store.

I think maybe Canon has alienated the camera stores by being such
sluts with their digital Rebel.

Maybe Canon has the right idea, pushing Eos 300Ds at computer buyers who might
not have thought about getting a DSLR originally?


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