Hi Bob
I have a link here for you and you can watch all the series as Real Time
video, but the commentary is in German.
Should be  still enjoyable for most of you.


The CD, actually 2, are called "Photosuisse", I can't find details about
subtitles or languages in the shop.

Thanks for the links, I will soon follow them :-)

>>Subject: Documentaries about HCB, Capa et al. (was Re: OT: What did you
>>get for Christmas?
>>> To go a little more on topic:
>>> national Swiss television SF1 released a DVD lately with interviews of 8
>>> minutes duration
>>> of well known Swiss photographers and their work and view of
>>Switzerland, a
>>> series they broadcasted on TV first.
>>> Sadly, I only saw  one the interviews partly, so don't ask :-).
>>I would be very interested to find out more details about those, if
>>you can discover the details.
>>> But I would like to know:
>>> Is there any good material on DVD about photography or
>>photographers like
>>> HCB?
>>> anybody knows?
>>Yes. There have been several good documentaries about HCB and about
>>Capa. Examples:

Try the Fondation Cartier-Bresson for more details:
They include this PDF of films by and about him:

There is series of videos/DVDs called 'Contacts' which are short films
of photographers doing 'show and tell' with their contact sheets. I
haven't seen any of them yet, but they are available from the Centre
Nationale de la Photographie / Jeu de Paume in Paris:
http://www.cnp-photographie.com/ - then follow the menu straight


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