David Mann mused:
> Not sure how I'm going to set up for movies at the moment... my sound 
> system is optimised for music (and always will be), and the layout of 
> the living room means the speakers are along a different wall to the 
> TV.

One of the few benefits of getting older is that your ears become the
weakest link in the system.  By now I can't hear well enough to justify
spending a lot on speakers, etc.  And fortunately our living room layout
works perfectly with the TV at one end, together with the front speakers,
and the rear speakers on the back wall where the seating is.
We've only got small wall-mounted speakers (except for the woofer), but
they work well enough for us (especially now we've replaced the carpet
with a laminate floor, and got rid of the nasty ceiling treatment; it's
amazing how much cleaner the room is, accousstically!).

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