
News of the European impact of the tsunami is only now reaching the USA.
You and our other European friends have our sympathies and condolences.
I never recognized the area as a vacation spot, but see sad tales now
of parents or children returning home without their families.

Any disaster like this is sad, but your news brings it closer to home
for many of us.  Thanks for the notice.

Regards,  Bob S.

On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 21:59:43 +0200, Lasse Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The tragedy of the recent tsunami has now in Scandinavia, particularly in 
> Sweden, turned into an unprecedented national mental trauma as the real 
> losses of human lives and the subsequent personal despair and sorrow of those 
> immediately affected becomes evident.
> According to some estimates, Sweden will have lost some 1500-2000 lives in 
> the catastrophy, and is said to be the most heavily affected nation outside 
> of the countries struck by the tsunami, as these countries since many years 
> have become maybe the most popular resorts to Swedish tourists.
> A great part of the population, besides affected family members, will have 
> friends or to some extent know of people who died by the tsunami.
> My country, The Aland Islands, of a population of 26.000, fears that seven 
> lives probably have been be lost (in Khao Lak)- a mother and two of her young 
> children and a young family of four.
> One Aland woman survived by clinging on to a palm tree and avoiding being 
> dragged out to sea.
> Some 100 other Alanders visiting the countries affected have escaped unharmed.
> One of two female Thai students in my class (studying Swedish) went home to 
> visit family during Christmas, but is reported to be well.
> This year's New Year's celebrations will turn into a time of personal and 
> national mourning. Fireworks will be replaced by candlelight vigils.
> Realizing that the above only deals with just a percentage of those affected, 
> you can only express hopes of strength to all people suffering in the 
> disaster, and a great thanks to all native Asian people, who by all reports 
> are offering victims help at a scale that will be forever remembered.
> May all who perished rest in peace, and their family members find strength in 
> their difficult time.
> Lasse

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