Hello Shel,

This is one of those shots where the story behind the photo makes a
big difference in enjoyment and appreciation of the photo.  Thanks for
sharing both the story and the photo.

Best regards,

Thursday, December 30, 2004, 4:56:40 PM, you wrote:

SB> A poet once said "April is the cruelest month ..." but around Berkeley and
SB> Oakland we celebrate Christmas in April.  A group for which I do some
SB> photography ( http://www.rebuildingtogether.org/ }gets together for a
SB> weekend or so every April and renovates homes for seniors and people of low
SB> income.  It's amazing to see some of the transformations, and how good it
SB> makes the homeowners feel, both to have their homes repaired and to be
SB> singled out for such special attention.

SB> Here's Emma, who's about 85 years old.  Hers was one of the homes renovated
SB> last April.  She wanted a snap of her wearing her purple checked hat to
SB> match the lilac bush in her yard.  She's quite a woman - very energetic and
SB> sharp, with a sly sense of humor ;-))

SB> http://home.earthlink.net/~pdml-pics/object.html

SB> Shel 

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