They may have changed that a bit, while not seeming to make any effort to get the *ist-Ds into any of the mass marketers, it looks like they put a fairly large commission on it, based on the way the local camera shops that carried Pentax were pushing it.

Graywolf wrote:

You left out,

"We see no reason to stock such expensive, slow moving items. Now if Pentax still made cameras to go with them we would have to stock it, but..."

Pentax is the inovator in being one of the first corporations to have and anti-marketing department whose sole purpose is to make people not buy their products.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"


Jon Glass mused:

On Dec 31, 2004, at 2:22 AM, Kenneth Waller wrote:

You'll enjoy it I'm sure.
I've had mine for several years and find it is one of my most used lenses (I
use it alot with the 1.4 X-S teleconvertor).
I was surprised to see the price, I paid around that much several years ago,
when I bought it new.

Lets see some images when you can.

I can't imagine myself needing a lens like this, but it's a beauty! However, if it's "rare" why? Does Pentax no longer make a lens this big, or like this?

It's a lens that is close to the top of my want list (I don't have a need list; anything I really need will get bought, and I'll work out how to pay for it later :-)

It's exceedingly rare in the used market - I've been keeping half an
eye out for the last several months, but nothing had shown up.  Nor
do most of the online stores show it as in stock any more (along with
most of the other high-end Pentax lenses).

There have been several reasons put forward to explain this, ranging
from the pessimistic "Pentax are getting out of the high end; all we
are going to get will be consumer-grade glass" to the optimistic
"Pentax are going to introduce a whole new range of IS/USM lenses".

I'm not sure what I think.  I'd like to think we'll at least get a
new DA-F lens or two; the recent lens releases from Pentax indicate
that they still think there is a market for good glass.  Perhaps
we'll see a new announcement at Photokina that will clarify the
situation.  Or perhaps we won't - I'm certainly not going to hold
my breath waiting for announcements from Pentax.

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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