On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 16:26:00 -0500, David Chang-Sang
> Helllllllloo gents and ladies :)
> After having lunch with Frank and David Brooks and Jeff I decided that I'd
> come back to the list to see what's cooking.
> I've got a question about my "new to me" k1000 - it's been a while since I
> owned one and I'm almost a newbie again me thinks - but here's my question:
> Where do I put the memory card in the K1000??? ;)
> Glad to be back,
> Cheers,
> Dave

Seriously, we're always glad to see you here (again), David.

WRT the memory card, the K1000 has an innovative and daring new type
of memory card:  a sort of "anologue memory strip".

Instead of fiddling with little slots, the whole back of the camera
opens to accept the card.  The card itself is a largish, ergonomically
shaped cylinder.  Just pull the cellulose "capture area" across the
back of the shutter to a handy take-up spool, close the back of the
camera, and you're set to go.

These memory cassettes have good points and bad points.  On the bad
side, they'll only take 36 frames.  One the good side, there's only
one resolution to choose from (highest) - you can compress the files
later in your computer for internet purposes.  And, if your batteries
run out, the capture system still works!  Just shoot away, setting
your own aperture and shutter speed manually!  How's that for

Have fun!  


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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