
Happy New Year to everybody!

Bob (starting the year with a heavy cold)

> downs (pretty much the rest of the year <g>).  One of the local papers
> had "your horoscope for 2005", and for us Librans, it was absolutely
> spectacular.  If 10% of what they said comes true, I'll be a happy
> guy.

Sorry, but somebody has to be the first:

Mrs O:             What are you?

Mrs Trepidatious:  I'm Nesbitt.

Mrs O:             There's not a zodiacal sign called Nesbitt...

Mrs Trepidatious:  All right, Derry and Toms.

Mrs O  (surveying paper): Aquarius, Scorpio, Virgo, Derry and Toms. April 29th 
to March 22nd. Even dates only.

Mrs Trepidatious:  Well what does it presage?

Mrs O:             You have green, scaly skin, and a soft yellow underbelly 
with a series of fin-like ridges
                   running down your spine and tail. Although lizardlike in 
shape, you can grow anything up
                   to thirty feet in length with huge teeth that can bite off 
great rocks and trees. You inhabit
                   arid sub-tropical zones and wear spectacles.

Mrs Trepidatious:  It's very good about the spectacles.

Mrs O:             It's amazing.

Mrs Trepidatious:  Mm ... what's yours, Irene?

Mrs O:             Basil.

Mrs Trepidatious:  I'm sorry, what's yours, Basil?

Mrs O:             No. That's my star sign, Basil...

Mrs Trepidatious:  There isn't a...

Mrs O:             Yes there is ... Aquarius, Sagittarius, Derry and Toms, 
Basil. June 21st to June 22nd.

Mrs Trepidatious:  Well, what does it say?

Mrs O:             You have green, scaly skin and a series of yellow 
underbellies running down your spine and tail ...

Mrs Trepidatious:  That's exactly the same!

Mrs O:  Try number one ... what's Aquarius?

Mrs Trepidatious:  It's a zodiacal sign.

Mrs O:             I know that, what does it say in the paper Mrs 

Mrs Trepidatious:  All right... Oh! It says, 'a wonderful day ahead'. You will 
be surrounded by family and friends.
                   Roger Moore will drop in for lunch, bringing Tony Curtis 
with him. In the afternoon a substantial
                   cash sum will come your way. In the evening Petula Clark 
will visit your home accompanied by Mike
                   Sams singers. She will sing for you in your own living room. 
Before you go to bed, Peter Wyngarde
                   will come and declare his undying love for you.

Mrs O:             Urghh! What's Scorpio?

Mrs Trepidatious:  Oh, that's very good. 'You will have lunch with a 
schoolfriend of Duane Eddy's, who will insist on
                   whistling some of Duane's greatest instrumental hits. In the 
afternoon you will die, you will be buried...'

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