
>> I would never enter a photography competition unless I knew who the
>> judges were, and what qualified them to pass judgement on my
>> photographs.

> Once you know what a particular judge favours you can tailor your 
> submission to suit.  Apparently a lot of people do this.

yes, I guess so. I wasn't suggesting it was something I would do
though. I don't enter competitions. If I did it would be as a means to
improving my photography, not simply a desire to enter something and

I'm very used to submitting work of various types for review and
criticism. In the case of something personal, such as my photography,
I wouldn't take any notice of somebody whose judgement I didn't

As an example, I would almost certainly not pay any attention
whatsoever to the opinion of a local camera club judge. On the other
hand, I once had some feedback from the curator of photography at a
national museum - a  man who is very well connected to the world of
photojournalism that I admire. I took his opinions very seriously,
and acted on them*.

I think it's very important for us to have well qualified people
comment on our work. They have the breadth of knowledge and experience
to put our work in its proper context, and to be realistic without the
subjective attachment that we have to our own work. But of course, it's
our opinion that matters most, and we take the final decisions.

*I still have some cameras, so his opinion wasn't too harsh!


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