Dave wrote
>Not a bad idea I suppose, but then I never got into photography to win
>contests.  I just like taking pictures.

The same here. Participating in my camera club competitions is just how I
"kick myself" to produce framed enlargements of my best shots. Winning was
never an objective. I couldn't change my style of photography to please
anybody but my self (or whoever is paying me) - or perhaps someone I care
about. A little appreciation is always nice   :-)

However, this judge was different from others I have listened to. His own
photographs were very beautiful, but somehow unnatural and all staged.

If my philosophy is: "I invite you to look at the world (through my eyes)"
His seemed to be: "I invite you to look at my mind through my eyes".

That's fair enough, but when this philosophy is used to judge others, that's
when the chain goes off, IMO.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: David Mann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 3. januar 2005 11:11
Til: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Emne: Re: PESO: Eight O' Clock Flower

On Jan 3, 2005, at 9:13 AM, Bob W wrote:

> I would never enter a photography competition unless I knew who the
> judges were, and what qualified them to pass judgement on my
> photographs.

Once you know what a particular judge favours you can tailor your
submission to suit.  Apparently a lot of people do this.

Not a bad idea I suppose, but then I never got into photography to win
contests.  I just like taking pictures.  I went to a few meetings of
the local Photographic Society a few years ago but I decided not to
join as they were much too formal, and the competition judgings I saw
certainly didn't impress me.  There also seemed to be a lot of egos.


- Dave (who's lost count of the PAWs he's missed)


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