Last night, I was in our local MediaMart (European chain of electronics stores), just to see what digital cameras they have. There, next to the Nikon D70, was a Pentax *istDS! I was amazed! What's more, it was obviously _tiny_ sitting there, next to the D70 and other cameras. I was shocked at how small the body is! It is as small, or smaller than, many digicams as well! Unfortunately, its price was listed as 4,999 zl, which equals $1700 at last Friday's exchange rate! (The _really_ sad part is that just a few months ago, with the exchange rate, it would have cost a mere $1,300!!!). The only good part is that the Nikon D70 is the exact same price. :-) In any case, other than compact digicams, or very exclusive camera stores, this is the first time I've seen a Pentax dSLR.

Just had to share....
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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