  I think I have stumbled over the same problem.
  I am in the process of scanning and restoring some of my very first
  slides - burnt on Orwo 18 film - a grainy emulsion even at 50ASA.
  It's not the grain per se that bothers me but rather the some of the
  grains are very obvious due to the high difference of colour, i.e.
  isolated magenta grains in blue areas.
  To some degree I managed to overcome it by using the Noise reduction
  function in the Picture Window Pro (Advanced sharpen option). I
  don't know how adjustable the smart blur filter is in Photoshop, but
  in PWP the noise reduction can be quite fine tuned. Another approach
  I tried with acceptable results is speck removal on the offensive
  colour channel.
  For what it's worth I regularly scan Provia 100 and 400F at 2800dpi
  and never had this problem.

  Servus,  Alin

David wrote:

DM> FWIW I've encountered tonality problems due to film grain and I've not
DM> really found an easy way to deal with it.  I've experimented a bit with
DM> the Smart Blur filter in Photoshop.  This can help smooth out the grain
DM> without losing detail in the photo but it makes the tonality worse as
DM> the colour discontinuities become larger in size (but remain the same
DM> in magnitude) and thus they become more obvious when viewing on-screen.
DM>   It might be easier to explain that in pictures, which I'll try to do
DM> if anyone is interested.

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