Hello phantomqueen7777,

Quite a story.  I hope things turn out well for you.  Sounds like
someone is looking out for you.  Don't be afraid to share you
questions and pictures with the list.  We are a chatty bunch and can
be helpful (at times :) ).

Since you are in the Bay area, you'll have to join us on the next
NorCal PDML outing.  I'm trying to zero in on a date - likely around
the first of March.  We take a Saturday and all get together and go
out and shoot somewhere (last time was Pt. Reyes) and have a nice
lunch or dinner.  A good time to get to know each other, share
experiences and also possibly see and try some equipment that is new
to you.

Welcome aboard.

Best regards,

Thursday, January 6, 2005, 11:11:24 AM, you wrote:

pgc> Well, I'm not a bad photographer or so I am told.  I may be a novice
pgc> at film, but I'm pretty good with my Fuji...LOL

pgc> My Dad has a buddy who was a well-regarded pro for years, both in the
pgc> Navy and out, and who even now that he's retired still spends most of
pgc> his time behind a camera.  He lives about 3000 miles away or I'd be
pgc> following him around picking his brains....He has seen some of my
pgc> stuff and encouraged me to pursue it seriously.  He thinks I have an
pgc> artist's eye apparently.

pgc> I guess. I actually went to school to do illustration and graphics,
pgc> but alas, that car accident I was in pretty much killed what ability I
pgc> had to draw.  I  just can't use my r hand that way at all now.

pgc> I got my first digital when I was first recovering, and that's pretty
pgc> much all I did until I could walk properly again. Take pictures....I
pgc> had to do something. Not being able to draw was driving me nuts!  I
pgc> was surprised actually by some of the stuff I was getting, but I
pgc> didn't think I was any better than the average amateur until Joe took
pgc> a curious look, went "Oh!" and then promptly went out and bought me a
pgc> much better camera.

pgc> They guy spent some serious money  so I have to think it must have
pgc> been worth it in his eyes somehow. He's not wealthy enough to just
pgc> indulge someone out of pity that's for sure...

pgc> Anyhow, about a year ago I donated that one then replaced that camera
pgc> with the Fuji s7000. I figured it was about as close to a pro set up
pgc> as I was going to get. I really had to save my pennies to get it, but
pgc> I feel it was worth it and then some. I'm slowly teaching myself the
pgc> basics of both digital and traditional photography, getting the hang
pgc> of f-stops and iso settings, film types, media types, types of lenses,
pgc> etc.

pgc> So far it's been a real joy.  I've never felt more at home than I do
pgc> behind a camera. Since I already have a lot of the digital imaging
pgc> skills, it's made it easier for me on the non-traditonal end, but the
pgc> other end, that I feel I have to get into some formal training on...I
pgc> guess I just want to do it right...I can teach myself a lot. I have
pgc> that capacity, but I know there are things I am still likely not to
pgc> learn elsewhere so...

pgc> I just have this feeling sometimes that I'm being given all the tools
pgc> I need to do something. I've been in a couple of situations now where
pgc> I came thisclose to losing it, and I am also dealing with some chronic
pgc> illnesses that make it a living hell, and yet, I'm still here. I keep
pgc> wondering why, because for the most part my life doesn't seem to have
pgc> any real purpose.

pgc> I guess I tend not to take anything for granted and when everytime I
pgc> turn around someone is giving me a camera, or another piece of
pgc> equipment that I need, it seems a little too coincidental.

pgc> I think the angels are helping me out, you know?  

pgc> I mean just last week I was asking Joe via email what lenses he
pgc> thought I'd need to have a good starter set, and he told me, and now I
pgc> pretty much have them and I spent $20? I checked Ebay and if I had
pgc> tried to go and get cameras and lenses like these, I'd have spent $600
pgc> at least, even now with all the digital mania...

pgc> I don't know., but whatever is happening? I am going with it, For once
pgc> in my life I am genuinely enjoying what I am doing.

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