Hmmm, posted the wrong url for the 100% crop. It's here:

> I've owned this lens for a long time but only used it once in anger. It's 
> just 
> been sitting. But there's been a lot of talk about it here lately, so I took 
> it 
> out today and shot the goose. I shoot the goose when I want to see how a lens 
> performs. I didn't get real serious about this. Just handheld at 1/125, about 
> 150mm on the *istD at f8. And I procesed the shots on my I-book with a 
> 12-inch 
> screen. But, hey, they look good from here, and I'm watching football so I'm 
> not 
> about to look at them on the work computer. I did a full frame and a 100% 
> crop. 
> Looks good from here.

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