I don't feel elitist.  As Shel states, AF can be very useful in some
cases.  Those cases are generally when the person can't focus fast
enough.  What I did say was when I view pictures that used AF when not
necessary, they tend to not be critically focused (and I include your
MZ-S in this) and quite often the composition is not quite as good as
it could have been.  You end up spending more time trying to pick the
right AF point, or focus locking and then recomposing, etc to not be
optimal.  In practice it usually isn't much of any faster for those

When I bought the *istD, one of the biggest reasons was because of the
viewfinder - It was the best of the bunch for allowing me to manually
focus.  When I buy lenses, the manual focus feel is important to me.
That isn't to say that I don't buy AF lenses (about 80% are AF), but I
do plan on manually focusing.

It probably has more to do with a critical eye, just like someone who
fully relies on the matrix meter in all cases, because most of the
time it is ok.  That doesn't mean it is ever optimal, just that it is
liveable.  It could also be that DOF is covering up your focusing
errors in many cases.

Sorry to ruffle feathers - I don't think less of you as a person
because you like AF more than MF.  Feel free to continue down the path
you are going and hopefully Pentax will improve their AF.

Best regards,

Thursday, January 13, 2005, 7:58:59 AM, you wrote:

SB> Read my post again ... I did not denigrate AF other than to say that at
SB> times it's not needed or that it's inappropriate.  Peter's photo is a
SB> perfect example of when autofocus is worthless, or at least not necessary.
SB> You've got a person willingly posing for a pic, no fast action, and all the
SB> time needed to manually focus precisely.  I agree with you, never disagreed
SB> with you, and support your point that there are probably times when
SB> autofocus can be useful and helpful.

SB> As for spending the money on a camera with interchangeable screens - I
SB> never said that was something to do.  What I did say was that one should
SB> choose the proper camera for their circumstances.  I'm fortunate in that I
SB> have a few cameras, but if I could only have one you could be sure it would
SB> have an appropriate finder for my vision, both photographic and physical.

SB> So sorry you're feeling miffed ... you probably feel that way because
SB> you're taking some comments personally and with the belief, as Herb says,
SB> that my attitude is elitist.  Well, it ain't - certainly no more so than
SB> those that advocate autofocus, and fancy whiz-bang features as mandatory
SB> for making good photographs.  IMO, those people are losing sight of many of
SB> the creative aspects of photography when they allow some engineer half a
SB> world away to write a program for their camera that will determine focus,
SB> exposure, lens aperture, and the like. 

SB> Shel 

>> [Original Message]
>> From: John Coyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
>> Date: 1/12/2005 11:44:40 PM
>> Subject: Re: PESO--The Girl Living in the Accountants Spare Room
>> Sorry, Shel, Bruce, et al, I think you're missing the point of AF.  IMHO,
SB> I 
>> think it is there for exactly the times when the human eye/hand
SB> combination 
>> is just not quick enough to adjust the focus accurately, particularly
SB> when 
>> you have a relatively short time-frame in which to do it.  While I would
>> agree that one should use the appropriate tools for the job, and in
>> conjunction with one's own abilities, I fail to see what other tool I
SB> might 
>> have selected in the circumstances I described (a wedding, if you've
>> forgotten).  TLR? Rangefinder? MF lens and manual focussing? MF lens and
>> trap focussing?  I have all of these and I wouldn't guarantee to have
SB> done 
>> better, except perhaps with trap focussing.  But even that would only
SB> give 
>> me one certain shot, and another if I happened to adjust the focus point
SB> in 
>> time, to the right distance, and in the right direction!
>> There is also the point that not everyone has  camera bodies where the
>> screens can be changed, or may not wish or be able to spend the necessary
>> dollars to do so.
>> WRT having one's eyes tested, I do - every six months, and update my
>> prescription as necessary.  I still have trouble with fine detail
SB> focussing, 
>> and I am sure there are others like me.  Maybe it's the viewfinder - but
SB> I 
>> don't think so, as I am no better off with my SP's or SV.
>> Finally,I would just like to draw attention to my other comment - that I
>> have found the MZ-S AF  to be nearly flawless, and I guess I would just
SB> like 
>> to see the same standard maintained in all Pentax SLR's - IMV, if you can
SB> do 
>> it once you can do it every time.
>> John Coyle
>> (feeling slightly miffed at some of the comments!)
>> Brisbane, Australia
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
>> Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 4:34 PM
>> Subject: Re: PESO--The Girl Living in the Accountants Spare Room
>> > For many types of photography, especially with certain cameras and
SB> lenses,
>> > autofocus may not be the best choice. Bruce, I don't think you're being
>> > the
>> > least bit unkind - if someone wants to make a certain type of
SB> photograph,
>> > then the proper camera and lenses are in order. If one is the least bit
>> > serious about photography, then they should at least have their eyes and
>> > glasses checked to be sure they can see properly, and then use the
SB> proper
>> > camera, viewfinder, screen, diopters, or whatnot in order to assure
SB> proper
>> > focusing. Autofocus is not always the solution. Methinks you're being
>> > quite
>> > realistic.
>> >
>> > I have had trouble with my vision, and I will not use autofocus to make
SB> up
>> > for getting my eyes examined and using the most appropriate screens and
>> > viewfinders for my needs, nor will I allow my creativity to be
SB> compromised
>> > by the limits imposed by many autofocus cameras. If my photos are going
SB> to
>> > be OOF, then let them be so because I screwed up not because the camera
>> > couldn't do the job required of it and because I became dependent on
SB> some
>> > marketing maven's idea of a neccessary feature.  That's not to say
SB> there's
>> > no place for autofocus, for there certainly is, but, like every other
>> > feature and accessory, it's not always appropriate or worthwhile.
>> >
>> > Shel
>> >
>> >
>> >> [Original Message]
>> >> From: Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
>> >> Date: 1/12/2005 10:25:56 PM
>> >> Subject: Re: PESO--The Girl Living in the Accountants Spare Room
>> >>
>> >> Sorry, nursing a nasty cold today and am in a grumpy mood.  Didn't
>> >> mean to offend.
>> >>
>> >> -- 
>> >> Best regards,
>> >> Bruce
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Wednesday, January 12, 2005, 9:58:59 PM, you wrote:
>> >>
>> >> etn> Quoting Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >>
>> >> >> If you can't see to focus,
>> >> >> either get a camera that you can see out of, or get your eyes
>> >> >> corrected enough to see.
>> >>
>> >> etn> Bruce, I think that last remark might have been just a little bit
>> > unkind.
>> >>
>> >> etn> ERNR

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