You know I am beginning to wonder if I would be wasting money to go to
school...I can't afford to go to someplace like UC, and the two junior
colleges out here seem to be stuck in the dark ages in so far as
photography goes.

You ought to check out Diablo Valley College, over in Pleasant Hill (other side of the Caldecott from you). We get a lot of students from DVC, and they seem to have a decent program. You should check it out for yourself, though, because I'm not exactly certain on that.

I wanna leave something behind, even if it is just a few pretty pictures, and
will do whatevr I have to do to accomplish that even if it means
teaching myself from books. It wouldn't be ideal but it wouldn't be
the first time either...

Another thing you need to do: visit Reed's Cameras & Imaging in Walnut Creek. That's where I work, every day except thursday and friday. At the very least, I love teaching photography, or at least trying to, and I'd be more than happy to help you out if I can.

John Celio


AIM: Neopifex

"Hey, I'm an artist. I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a statement."

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