Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 17/1/05, Cotty, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>>T answer his question: Yes, there's is a difference. Due to the grater
>>>enlargement (crop factor) the shutter speed necessary to "freeze" movent
>>>must be divided by the crop factor: If i.e. a 250mm is used:  1/250 divided
>>>by i.e. 1.5 = 1/375 sec.
>>>90% out of focus! That bad!
>I mean for crying out loud, it's a 1Ds - there *is no crop factor*
>involved - it's a full frame camera. What planet do these people come from ?

Well cut the fellow a little slack, Cotty. Perhaps he just isn't too
bright. After all, he *is* a Canon user. ;-)

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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