> He's half right in that you should come here, but you should 
> also try to get out of London a bit and see some of the rest 
> of the country.

I know London well, kind of - I've been there a bunch of times and I did a
semester over there, and I've been to various parts of the UK, spent some
time in Scotland, etc. But my husband has never been out of the country at
all, so when we do go, I think we'll want to spend some time in London
proper as well as getting out of the city a bit because it'll all be new to
Nate. He's really into history, so we'd probably hit the Tower of London and
touristy places like that. I want to check out the new Tate and all the
stuff that's sprouted up since I was last there 12 (!) years ago. I imagine
the trip will be a week or less.  
> London is like a medieval city-state. It's certainly not 
> representative of England or the UK as a whole. So if you 
> only come here you can hardly say you've been to Britain.

Not at all. :) 


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