the 1Ds does lock on a subject and track its motion provided that it stays under any one of the focus points. it will track a moving bird or football player provided that you aim the camera roughly aimed correctly. no Pentax camera does this well enough to really useful, but the Canon 1D system does.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jens Bladt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 2:01 AM
Subject: RE: *istD AF performance (was Re: Sigma 2.8 Zoom lens comments)

I agree.
But my point was that there's no locking on to the subject. It's just the
focus system "catching" whatever comes by, close to the previous focusing
distance. If I was photographing a group of kids running at the playground,
the camera might catch a girl, then a boy, next time a dog or a bird. There'
s no locking onto anything. I don't believe any mass produced camera system
can do that.

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