Hi all,

Just to be clear, I'm not moving on from PDML (too addictive to leave right now). But I got a plump redundancy package from work last week. So as a good P-comrade, I went out today and picked up an *istDS in the city. I think I have mixed feelings about it, but it definitely is the only dig SLR in my experience that I'd shoot with regularly.

Fujifilm S2 - too fat and slow and munches batteries. Canon DigRebel - yukky plasticky, and unpleasant toylike shutter sound. D70 - ok but still a little large to feel comfortable with and the viewfinder is tunnelike (as are the aforementioned two).

(disclaimer...the *istD seems to be discontinued in Oz, so I haven't touched that one at all. Digital City even said they'd sell me the D for the same price it it was still in the warehouse as they'd had problems selling it. But alas they were all gone).

So I did a few test shots with the 77mm ltd I just happened to have on my person at the time.

Generally the shots look great but on closer inspection, the Pentax Lab seems to have something lost in translation. Have I left something amiss? I can't wait for the Adobe Camera RAW plugin (but I guess I'll have too - the DS doesn't get a mention in the v2.4 beta)


I think this is one body I WONT reskin. The rubberised grip feels quite grippy and sensual.

Now here is the test. How much film will I really shoot from now on.


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