T me it's not really digital or film. It's both. Film for me is mostly MF,
though. If I could afford it, I'd certainly get myself a MZ-S again - it's a
brilliant camera. Perhaps I will some day.

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Sendt: 23. januar 2005 01:21
Til: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Emne: Re: MZ-S: what is a good price ?

> Thibouille wroteA;> I'm considering a purchase. But these beast seem
pretty rare, even on Ebay..I sold my laptop so have a couple hundreds euros
to spend :) and in my
> opinion, digital is simply not mature enough.

Youre right where I was a year ago. Although you might say I was even more
commited to film because I was shooting almost all 6x7 MF film and a bit of
35mm film. Then a local pro showed me what he could do with 6.1 megapixel
digital files shot in RAW and converted in PhotoShop CS. If you have a
chance, you should look into the digital potential before you buy another
35mm film camera. I've been accused of crusading for digital. I'm not. I
hope we all continue to shoot film. But i feel obligated to caution anyone
who opts for an expensive 35mm film camera instead of digital. That's just
my opinion. Others will disagree.

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