On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 06:43:17 -0800 (PST), Gianfranco Irlanda
> frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Lovely shot!  Of course, you took the Greatest Coffee Photo of
> all
> > time:  the one you submitted to PUG a couple of years ago with
> the
> > bubbles on the top of the coffee shaped like set jewels.
> <vbg>
> LOL!
> > I like this one, though.
> Thanks for the kind words, Frank!
> Gianfranco

Just in case anyone doubts my earlier contention, for the benefit of
those of you who are recent PDML'ers, and for the general enjoyment of
all others, here is the Gianfranco's photo to which I referred:


Stunning, no?



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