Thanks for sharing. I think your family is correct though. Only thing is, on 
this list, we share the same deviation, so we understand you, which is really 

On Monday 24 January 2005 15:28, cbwaters wrote:
> I'm in the waiting room at the shop waiting for my car to get some service
> done.  They have a bunch of magazines I don't read and one Sports
> Illustrated.  I'm flipping the pages when I come upon a photo of Kobe
> Bryant lying on the basketball court grabbing at his ankle in obvious pain.
>  He'd come down on somebody's foot and rolled his ankle over causing a
> serious sprain.  This was obviously an "opportunity" photo where the
> shooter was just in the right place at the right time.  He got a two page
> photo in SI for his efforts (!).
> Now, on the TV in the waiting room at just that moment, I see a story on
> CNNHN about Kobe walking without crutches for the first time since his
> injury.  The showed a couple replays of the incident and wha-da-ya-know?
> I SAW the guy sitting there on the baseline lift his camera as Kobe fell
> and wait for just the right moment to fire off a frame or six (I even saw
> the strobe flash!).
> It struck me as a pretty heavy moment.  I've seen the replays of the injury
> play over and over on TV before and that guy undoubtedly shot the photo
> just the same every time (the magic of video, ya know) but THIS time, I'm
> holding in my hand the results of his efforts.  Pretty cool.
> Cory
> is glad to have you guys to share the moment with since my family thinks
> I'm nuts.

Frits Wüthrich

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