It isn't better, only different. I find it makes the camera a bit more difficult to hold when changing both aperture and shutter speed at the same time, yes I know that's what hyper program is for but I just like to keep my camera in manual mode most of the time.

John Celio wrote:

It *is* broke, check

It's a goner; do other manufacturers support it even in the way
Pentax does?

More cost cutting, it's about time Pentax stopped following Canon and Minolta
trends, they never where scared of breaking from the norm.

It may be cost-cutting, but it makes sense. Aperture control on the camera body is faster and just as easy as turning the dial on a lens. Did you notice even Nikon is ditching aperture rings on most of their lenses?

I've gotten a lot of stubborn, crotchety old photographers (usually men) in my shop who dislike body-controlled aperture when they come in, but love it once they've had a chance to really try it out in the real world. Something tells me you're the rare type who just won't be happy with anything new, even if it's actually better. I'd suggest giving this new stuff a try, but somehow I doubt you'll take it into consideration.

John Celio
...would rather move forward than become a dinosaur...


AIM: Neopifex

"Hey, I'm an artist. I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a statement."

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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