As some of you may remember I´ve had some contact with the guy testing the *istDs for the major Norwegian photo magazine. It is not published yet so I wont tell you what he says, except that he likes it a lot (especially after getting some help with the manual :-)

However, he has also looked the 14mm (initially he was going to borrow mine), and I think I can tell you what he thinks about it: He thinks it is great (he used the word "formidable"), especially to the price. He found almost no distortion and very little vignetting, which are the two most important feature to me. Sharpness is from acceptable to razor sharp. He also likes the compact size and maximum aperture and concludes that he would buy one if he had Pentax.

While I don´t agree with him about everything I know that he takes the reviews very seriously, so even if he didn´t have the 14mm in an optical bench (he did with the 18-55) I think his view is fairly accurate.

He has a few interesting remarks regarding the Ds and the 18-55, but I´ll have to get back to them when the review is published.


På 26. jan. 2005 kl. 02.56 skrev Godfrey DiGiorgi:

Interesting. At f/8, the DA14mm's aperture is less than 2mm in
diameter where the FA16-45 is at 2mm or greater. Perhaps you're
seeing the onset of diffraction, reducing the resolution. How do
they compare at f/5.6?

I normally set aperture between f/4 and f/5.6 with the 14mm.


--- Herb Chong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

at f8, my DA 14 is uniformly sharp across the field, but
noticeably less so
than the DA 16-45 at f8. the DA 16-45 and FA* 80-200/2.8 are
about equal to
my eyes, and i expect that the FA* 28-70/2.8 to be about the

----- Original Message -----
From: "Godfrey DiGiorgi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: DA14mm f/2.8 quality (was: Pentax 50mm News)

Less sharp ... in the center, at the edges, at what f/stops,
etc, at what settings on the DA16-45? How are you comparing

I find the DA14 satisfactorily sharp across the field wide
but the corners are not as sharp as the center until
Contrast is good throughout the range. Distortion seems to
very low.

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