I've seen toboggans go off the side of a toboggan shute, at a tangent, so I'll support your contention that they're UNsteerable! <grin>

keith whaley <== can hardly wait until the Winter Olympics again! LOVE the Winter Olympics!

Peter J. Alling wrote:

A sled can be steered, a tobaggon is un-steerable. (Yes, I know you're supposed to lean but "I" say it's un-steerable).

Keith Whaley wrote:

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Hey, Frank .... Have a GREAT weekend. You seem so excited .... I'm sure
it's gonna be a super time. What's the difference between a toboggan and a
sled? Shel

A sled has two steel runners, to run on packed snow or ice.
A toboggan is flat on the bottom, made of long wood strips bent up at the front, to slide across deep snow without sinking in.
A sled has wooden rails along the sides of the wood platform you lie or sit on, for hand grips.
A toboggan has ropes fore and aft for the seated passengers to grip for stability...

Or, at least that's how they USED to be made, back in this old dinosaur's times... <g>


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