Thanks for the comments, it was a surprise find - the original is in
colour, and from the proof prints I did two years ago, I didn't select
it for anything. Now I had to rescan some old things for a portfolio
in one mag (oh lucky me <g>), and among other flood photos I found
this one, and it struck me to try to convert it into B&W. Now I wish I
had photographed it on B&W in the first place ;-)

The adjustments from colour: the layers approach I learned here on
the list, two layers one desaturating the other changing hue. I did
one selective hue adjustment though, to tone down the sky which was
blasted out in the first conversion try. Apart from that, some
contrast adjustments and selective burning/dodging. Not much cheating
<g> I quite like how the conversion went. Guess the CoolScan V isn't
so bad after all ;-)

Good light!

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