Graywolf wrote:

One of the things that I notice people doing is letting the cops make law.

We fought a war to prevent that and other things.

Which war was that? I thought most wars fought are to prevent abroad what is implicitly sanctioned at home. :)

Police, prosecutors, judges are all part of the same arm of the law, are they not? The system is set up in a way that allows the system to wield excessive power over the individual. It's only if the individual has enough guts and resources to fight, that the system is checked. Unfortunately that doesn't happen often enough.

Yeah, I understand what you're saying and I appreciate the freedoms we presently have, but I'm a little cynical in this regard.

If you've seen the 60's cult series 'The Prisoner', you probably know what I mean. Throughout the whole series, the prisoner (Patrick McGoohan) is kept isolated in a small village, never really sure who his captors are. In the end, he is released. But one can't help concluding that the village was simply a microcosm of the world at large and that we're all prisoners of a system that wants us to believe we are free, because it's easier to keep us enslaved that way.

Of course I realize there are big differences between different governments and countries... nevertheless...

Tom C.

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