No it's definitely the LX. The same lens (SMC-A 50mm f/1.4) is fine on the 


-----Original Message-----
    From: "Peter J. Alling"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Sent: 09/02/05 01:01:57
    To: ""<>
    Subject: Re: New LX Owner
    Sounds like you have a sticky aperture on your lens.  My 35mm has 
    developed this problem.  All the other lenses seem to be working fine.  
    You should try a different lens on the camera.
    Nick Clark wrote:
    >Yep! You've got me sussed! I put a roll of XP2 through it yesterday.
    >I discovered why the automatic exposures seemed much quicker than 
indicated, so that a 2 second exposure sounded like 1/60th. The aperture was 
very slow closing down, so the OTF sensor was getting more light and so 
terminating the exposure. I guess this means automatic exposures will be 
correct, but manual exposures except at wide apertures will be over-exposed. 
The problem eased after some use, so I guess it's not a major problem, just 
some old dried out lubricant.
    >Great feel to it, but I might look out for a grip, or perhaps make one if 
I can find a screw of the right guage. I'll need to find some strap lugs too.
    >It's off to Pentax in the next couple of days. They've quoted £105 for a 
full CLA including parts and foam, although I'll get 20% off as a member of the 
Pentax User Club.
    >-----Original Message-----
    >    From: "frank theriault"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >    Sent: 08/02/05 22:34:25
    >    On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 21:00:30 -0000, Nick Clark
    >    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    >    > Thanks to everyone for all their comments and pointers. I'm torn 
between sendig it straight off to Pentax and putting a film through it first. I 
think it'll probably be the latter.
    >    Congratulations, Nick.  I love my LX, and I'm sure you'll love yours 
as well.
    >    I vote "put a roll of film though then send it off to Pentax".  Just
    >    because I know you want to go shoot (which you probably have done
    >    already by the time I'm posting this).
    >    cheers,
    >    frank
    >    -- 
    >    "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson
    I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. 
    During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings 
    and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during 
        --P.J. O'Rourke

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