On 2005-02-09 05:31, Alan Chan wrote:
> I don't know about average consumers, but the insisting on using smaller CCDs 
> have
> kept me from buying Pentax DCs. For instance, 1/2.5" CCD is marginal for 3MP, 
> but
> they kept using it for 4 & 5MP. The image quality simply suffers.

It's not only about image quality. In fact I just do look for a P&S for
indoor docu:

- higher ISO (better ISO 3200 than ISO 400)
- macro (here the small sensor is a bonus with its DOF range)
- wide angle

I'm surprised that there's just one camera starting at 24 mm
(35mm-equivalent, the Nikon Coolpix 8400). I don't need more that about 2 MP
here... It's easy to get a camera with > 400 mm tele, but there's none below
24 mm.


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