Just cant let this post pass. There are many opinions and irritated people in this issue. I understand and I'm one of them to a certain extent. However. I feel that Pentax for sure will have full frame when it is cost effective. In the same way we will see cameras with faster buffers and so on. We must remember that the appearance of these cameras, (unless for the cost of several thousand dollars - too much for most of us) is following the development of cheaper and more efficient in camera hardware, such as microcomputers, lcds (were very expensive just a few years ago) and not to mention CCDs. This will happen because the development of digital camreas is still racing and e.g. SONY hos one of the main players in CCDs is still throwing out nwer and better versions. So in other words don't give up hope. As long as Pentax is in the DSLR market we will se better cameras within reasonable time. For me to throw away film theywill need something that can make at least 5 frames per second - my wish.

Have they had more than 5 PRO cameras? Well as someone mentioned all cameras of the early era. Of k-mount days KX KX-DMD, K2, K2DMD, MX, LX, maybe PZ1(P) MZ-S and 654 645N 645NII 67 67II. So there are a few.



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