On Sun, 06 Feb 2005 14:32:21 +1100, Derby Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The 43mm is an great portrait lens now.
> http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~derbyc/Portaits/portraits.htm

Another commenting on an old PAW.  

I like # 3 best, by far.  The fellow seems nicely relaxed, and I like
the bottle and glasses on the table - puts the photo in some sort of
context.  Not that context is always needed, but it works here.

The others aren't bad, but there's something about them, perhaps
because they seem candid, the subjects don't look entirely comfortable
to me.  Especially #1.  She just looks like she isn't ready for the
photo to be taken.  There's a line between spontanaety and
comfortability that is somehow not defined in these (other than #3)

Again, it's not that they're bad (far from it), they just pale in
comparison to the best shot of the gallery, IMHO


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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