Hi Guys,

Well I have been in the field measuring earthquakes. However, we don't
really do it the way the tornadochasers do. True is that there are some
groups who deploy instruments after big EQs to get the smaller
aftershocks that almost always occurs after the bigies. We are however
not very close to what we call prediction, i.e., when we can say that in
say five days we will have this and that size of an earthquake. There
are some examples where people have been able to but they are rare and
disputed by some. What we are better at is making prognoses where we can
postulate say for a chance one out of ten that it will shake to a certain
level. This is the basis for building norms in many earthquake prone
areas around the globe. This is my field together with the actual
physics and causes of earthquakes. We can study eartquakes thanks to
internet without going to most places. A lot of our data is on line.
However, a lot of cooperation is also the deal for me so I've been to
Central America and Greece, e.g., in the line of work. I hope to post
some nice hummingbird pictures taken with LX in the near future.

I have though once experienced an earthquake, medium size M about 6, in
hotel room in Greece. It was really interesting, the bed was shaking
very rapidly and doors and windows where shaking and rattling, and since
I knew it was safe it really fun for me. However, for people who get
there homes devastaed its of course not fun.



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