I have a tale of woe to tell:
I have a scuba tank with a decant valve and hose that I thought would be 
ideal to clean my dusty *istD sensor with.

I set the valve so that the air pressure from the hose sprayed what I thought 
was a soft and gentle stream, and proceeded to wave it over the sensor for a 
few seconds.

Went off to cover an event and came home with a Gigabyte of images.
To my horror, all the images looked like they had been taken through a 
sheet of very wet, and crazed glass.

Had a look at the sensor and saw the surface had been bubbled and creased.

I'm at a loss as to how this could happen.
The air is breathing quality, free from impurities, and contaminants.
The pressure was low, now more than you could expect from a hand blower,
although continuous and finely focused. 

I'm hoping it's just a protective film that has been damaged and it can be 
What is worrying is that the repair agents have had it for a week now and still 
no word
from them yet.

Hard lesson learnt here people.



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