On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 18:43:04 -0700, Joseph Tainter
> Not a dead dog, I promise. Comments welcome.
> Joe
> http://www.fotocommunity.com/pc/pc/cat/3526/display/2616858

Ah, Canada Geese.  Have I told the list my thoughts on these vile
creatures?  <vbg>

I'll set aside my personal feelings long enough to tell you what a
terrific photo this is, Joe.  Well caught, nicely panned, I like the
blurry background.

Now, I have to admit, Canada Geese, flying in their V formation,
honking along, are pretty cool.  It's when they're on the ground that
I hate them.

Hopefully, once you captured these fellows, you put down your camera,
swung your 12 guage around your shoulder, and blasted the living crap
outta them.

frank (who, being the citified pinko bleeding heart commie that he is,
hates guns and hunting - except when it comes to Canada Geese!)

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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