Jurij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hello Mark,
>  I'm interesting in bying the M28/3.5. (I'm looking for a long time
>  for a good wide angle lense). But I'm not sure about the flaw You
>  wrote about. Could You, please, explaine to me about it more
>  detaily? I'm interesting what this will cause bad for the using the
>  lense? Can filter be screwed on the lense? Or it just can destruct
>  completely the body of the lense? 

It's some abrasion on the *outside* of the filter ring so it doesn't
affect the use of filters at all. The filter thread is perfect. 

> I can hardly see the flaw from Your photos...

Well it's not very easy to see in person either, but I want to be sure
any buyer knows about it first. It's absolutely trivial even from a
cosmetic standpoint in my opinion, but everyone has a right to know it's
there before plunking down their money.

>  And one more thing. I'm living in Ukraine (did You hear about such
>  country? Great events are here! :) ). Is it the problem on shipping
>  the lense to Ukraine? If not, how much the shippment will be?

I have no idea. I'll ask at the post office today.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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