I think these come with separate rear filters.


Hey Frank.
Something wrong with your LX its producing bent lines.<vbbg>

Love this one.The family in the centre and the background curves all work fine 

This one actually started me thinking(oh oh)A lense like this,if a #25 red 
filter could be
added,would make a great addition to my IR bag.
I was looking at a few models,Sigma,Jupiter and another that excapes me now. 
They all seem
to have a
slightly diffrent front end.
Question:Can a screw filter be added to any of these or even a Cokin 
system.assuming they
have a #25
Dont need a K mount,persay,M42 would work also.


frank theriault wrote:

Another chance to play with the new fisheye (which I'm coming to enjoy
quite a bit, and finding that it may not be so gimmicky after all...):


Nothing overly serious, just a fun pic, but you may comment if so compelled.


I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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