MH> Sounds interresting. Are you sure?
MH> Couldn't it be that those informatsions are in fact transferred, but
MH> only readable under certain circumstances?

I am not sure ;-) It was just speculation based on the fact that NTFS
can store something called alternate data streams, and also me
remembering that on Macs, you can have even IPTC info not in the file
but in something called "fork" of the file (which of course gets lost
when transfering).

I have lost interest in computer technology after WinNT, that's why I
don't work as a tech anymore. I just didn't want to keep with all the
stuff. I am sure there are more up-to-date computer gurus here ;)

Anyway, the easiest and safest thing is still writing the IPTC into
the file's header (works only for JPEGs,TIFFs and TIFF-based formats
like most DSLR raw files). Although there can be problems also with
that, as with anything computerised <g>, some software is notorious
for writing the data back badly, so only it can read it afterwards and
nothing else. I have never had this problem though. I think it was

I think you would do well to look at , forums, there
is a whole forum dedicated to archiving, file management, cataloguing and
related stuff.

Good light!

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