frank theriault a écrit :

Dave Brooks, in a post that I never received but which I saw in the
archives, was chatting about fisheyes in general, the Zenitar 2.8 16mm
in particular, and filters.

My Zenitar has a sort of filter ring, that's cut away on the sides, so
there's only threading at the top and bottom of the from element. Presumable, the cutaways are to prevent vignetting. How easily one
could install a filter with such an arrangement is likely another

Certainly, any filter, no matter how slim, would vignette, but if you
plan on using it on your *istD, that may not be an issue.

The lens came with four tiny filters that screw on the back, green,
red, and two clearish ones (UV and haze?). I have no idea if the red
is #25, but comparing it to the much larger #25 that I have, I'd say
"no". Whether you can get #25 filters of that size to screw onto the
back of them, I don't know, as I have no idea if that's a standard
size filter or not.

The filters of Zénitar: they count in the optical formula, it must has there to have ALWAYS a filter; a clear filter is provided.


  • ... Michel Carrère-Gée
    • ... frank theriault
      • ... William Robb
        • ... frank theriault
      • ... Артур Гроховский

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