
Monday, February 21, 2005, 6:07:39 PM, Michael wrote:

>>With multiple files selected, all those property fields are disabled. I
can still see the >>boxes in the dialog, but they are greyed out.

> Well, that's the point.

If you are still having trouble with this then, as I explained
yesterday to John, and as I have explained before, you are looking
at the wrong view of that tab.

You have to switch to the 'Advanced >>' view (whatever it's called
in German). Then on that tab you find the properties such as 'Titel',
'Kommentar' etc. and click in their value field to make the edit box

I'm sorry to sound frustrated, but I really don't know how to explain
it more clearly without actually coming to Germany and doing it for

It is a bad piece of user interface design, but all the same, I figured
out how to do it within 1 minute of reading your original email.


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