Thanks to all our chats here on the newsletter, i knwo the difference
between EXIF, IPTC and the "normal" windows attributes (wether they ARE
real attributes or not).

EXIF as standard for technical data. I can't and change them and don't
want to change them.
IPTC is for the pro's. We work with IPTC-Data in my Newspaper's image
Windows attributes could be fine for private Use. Sharing pictures with
friends who aren't able to read IPTC.


Michael Heim

078 615 19 88

>Hi Michael, I have just tried that - the XP properties - on JPEGs
>which had IPTC info added by IrfanView (which works well). XP didn't
>even find the info there, it showed the EXIF well but not the IPTC
>tags, although they were named the same! (ie author, keywords,
>caption,...). So I guess XP doesn't work with IPTC but some other
>proprietary format. I was able to change the info in XP for multiple
>files by selecting them all and clicking on the button in the lower
>right corner above the OK Cancel Apply buttons, where all the EXIF
>info shows and also the Keywords Author ... fields, but the info I
>entered did NOT show up in any IPTC compatible viewer. Again, it seems
>to me that XP stores the info in a proprietary way.
>Your best bet could be the IrfanView, it lets you view all files in a
>directory as thumbnails, you can select several you want, and add IPTC
>info to just the selected files at once.

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