From: "Christian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: On topic:Looking to reach out and touch things

> Peter Lacus wrote on 2/23/2005, 8:42 AM:
>  > Christian,
>  > >
>  >
>  > wow, this one is absolutely gorgeous!
> Thanks!  Here is what Cotty did with it in a moment of whimsy:

ROTFLMAO (had I been a wee bit younger, that is)!

Anyway, this prompted the idea - do you guys think it'd be fun to set up a PUG 
department (or a separate web page) strictly devoted to PDML fun (image) stuff, 
that members now and then come up with?


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