Just another thought. Shooting with "Bright" mode is more contrasty (and thus less exposure-latitude forgiving) than shooting in "Naural" mode. Also along those lines, reducing the contrast control a little will help to increase exposure latitude. It doesn't hurt anything (especially when shooting jpg's) to shoot with less contrast, less brilliance in natural / reduced contrast settings, because the information is still there, and can be punched up with Photoshop pretty easily. On the other hand, if you use too much contrast, combined with the bright mode, you'll burn out the image more easily, and that cannot be recovered in Photoshop.

Jens Bladt wrote:
Try underexposing, shoot RAW and take care of things in a suitable RAW
converter (like C1).
That's how I deal with latidtude. It's not perfect, but it works. I have
saved underexposed shots (which I could in fact sell), which on film would
have been at least close to useless.

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: David Zaninovic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sendt: 28. februar 2005 16:28 Til: pentax-discuss@pdml.net Emne: Re: Hmm.. ist DS competition?

I would be more happy if they worked on more exposure latitude than more megapixels. D has much less exposure latitude than Astia 100F. I can't take any pictures at noon like I could with Astia. :) Astia was great, but digital wins in every other aspect except exposure latitude for me. Maybe I should try using my AF360 set on contrast control, does that help ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Hmm.. ist DS competition?

Of course I wasn't suggesting it was the camera to switch systems for.


I'd be that bold! I'm suggesting that DSLR manufacturers need to stay
somewhat competitive in emerging markets as well.

This newcomer is pretty much the same size (and lighter) as the ist DS,


at 8mp, and cheaper than most of the 6.3mp's around now (the ist DS is
slightly cheaper, but people often go "it's a hundred dollars more, but


2 megapixels more!"), it's definitely going to be very tempting to an SLR
virgin. Not to mention the price is list price, it often comes out cheaper
doesn't it?

I think it's exciting news because unlike with the 20D, it looks like this
is a direct assault on the competition's strong markets (ist D, ist DS,

I also think it's pretty astute of Canon not to shoot themselves in the


like Nikon did with the D70 making the D100 more or less obsolete (the


has an 8.0mp sensor, while the 20D still hangs on to its 8.3mp).

Bottom line, I want to know which battle Pentax (actually Nikon too for


matter) will choose to fight. Can they take on the 20D? I'm not even sure
they've got the scale to take on the 350D in terms of price! I'd much


see a 10mp "ist Dx" than them cut the ist ds price in half..



----- Original Message ----- From: "Alin Flaider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Ryan Lee" <pentax-discuss@pdml.net> Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 12:07 AM Subject: Re: Hmm.. ist DS competition?

 The too small viewfinder denies the other main reason for operating
 a DSLR. No true spot meter either. Certainly not the camera to
 switch systems for.

 Servus,  Alin

Ryan wrote:
RL> http://www.dpreview.com/articles/canoneos350d/
RL> Canon 350D: About the same dimensions as the ist DS, 60g lighter,



RL> megapixels. Thoughts?

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