I thought some of you might be interested in hearing about the John Shaw 
Photography Weekend I just attended (in Berkeley). He holds these weekends in 
major cities around the U.S. It is sponsored by Joseph Van Os Photo Safaris 
also does photo tours (some of which John Shaw also âleadsâ).

I thought, if nothing else, some of you might like to know the 
equipment/software he recommends and the equipment/software he uses.


This started getting really wordy, so I decided to web page it instead of 
just posting it.
Some of you may remember me mentioning I might do this. Well, I did. :-) I 
wrote up my impressions, his recommendations/equipment lists, etc. in MS Word, 
then saved it as a web page. (And then made some additions to the saved web 
page, so there might be some html errors.) Word adds a lot of formatting, so I 
hope it doesn't mess up anyone's browser.


Doe aka Marnie :-)


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