On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 03:24:53 -0500, Peter J. Alling
> Well as someone else, I believe it was Butch Black mentioned we're
> getting our weekly 6-8 inch snowstorm, earlier
> this after noon I took the dog for a walk on the beach and as is my wont
> I carried a camera.  This is one of the more
> interesting photos I captured.  (It was a productive expedition).
> http://www.mindspring.com/~pjalling/PESO_--_bts1.html
> Technical Information:
> Pentax *ist-D iso 800 1/650sec
> smc Pentax F 70-210mm f4.0~5.6 @ 210mm f8.0
> As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

I like it.  

I've got a similar looking one which should be ready by the weekend,
~during~ the storm (well, not your storm, but a storm).

But enough of me.  I like that you caught the coat or skirt or
whatever blowing in the wind (apologies to Bob Dylan).  I also like
the contrast of her bright clothing against the grey sky, water and
rocks.  Nice composition - being way off to the left like that really
seems to enhance the "effect" of the wind in the photo.

Very well done.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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