Oooo .... a survey ;-))

Since we've been out shooting together, I think you know how I do things,
but perhaps you've forgotten, or maybe what I do may be of interest to some
others, so ...

Generally, fully manual using either a Pentax Spotmeter or my own eye and
experience.  I'll sweep the meter over an area getting values for
highlights, shadows, or any unusual or important light (like spectral
highlights), and base the exposure on those readings.  Then I'll set the
camera to the aperture I want to use, and start photographing.  As the
light changes, and if the need for exposure changes, I'll just move the
shutter speed up or down. 

More often than not, I won't use a meter at all, just set the basic
aperture I want to use and adjust the camera as appropriate while
photographing.  Sometimes I'll adjust aperture for a shot, other times
shutter speed, depending on how much or little DOF I want.

For the most part, most of the time my cameras don't even have batteries in
them, with the exception of the LX or the ME Super, both of which I rarely

I shoot film except when using my little Sony.  I use the spot meter
feature on that camera and for the most part use aperture priority. 


> [Original Message]

> 1. How do you do exposure most of the time? Av or Tv or manual (doing it 
> yourself)?
> 2. Do you shoot digital or film?
> Optional --
> 3. If you shoot digital, have you changed how you do exposure since
> from film?

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