Gotta love a survey

1. How do you do exposure most of the time? Av or Tv or manual (doing it
45.5% - Av
56.9% - Manual
0.2% - Program mode
1.5% Learning statistical mathematics

2. Do you shoot digital or film?
Digital (and a wee bit of 6x6)

3. If you shoot digital, have you changed how you do exposure since
switching from film?
Yes, no heels before 5pm and I've dropped chiffon completely.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, 4 March 2005 12:16 AM
Subject: Survey: How do you do exposure?

Okay, people like surveys and I've never done one. 

At the recent John Shaw Photography weekend I went to I was surprised to
learn he now shoots all the time with aperture priority -- since he
switched to digital. He uses a histogram to double-check metering.
Evidentially a lot of pros shooting digital now shoot aperture priority.

This felt good to know since I have changed from doing manual exposure
to Av (or Tv) since I switched to digital. Some, of course, did Av or Tv
before switching, or have always done one or the other.

So here's the survey, and to make it more accurate, sorry, there has to
be two questions. Actually, three, with one optional. 

I know one answer surveys are best, but I think a lot of us would be
interested in the answers. No joking, snappy, answers, please. Serious
survey. ;-)

1. How do you do exposure most of the time? Av or Tv or manual (doing it

2. Do you shoot digital or film?

Optional --

3. If you shoot digital, have you changed how you do exposure since
switching from film?

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