Alin Flaider wrote on 04.03.05 7:29:

> The mention of Sony as a potential buyer coupled with the rumour
> that Sony wants to be a DSLR player could mean we might see a Contax
> resurrection. Anyway, I doubt a powerful brand will just simply
> vanish. Look at Cosina-Voigtlander.
That would be interesting. I'm curious what mount would Sony choose to go
with? Some rumours are saying that Sony will build 4/3 based DSLR and that
would make a sens as it is open standard. They could sell it of course under
Contax brand with Zeiss lenses... If that would be true, 4/3 could become
really popular DSLR system as either Sony and Matsushita (which is supposed
to show their first 4/3 based DSLR on next year's PMA) are much bigger and
more powerful companies than even Canon...

Balance is the ultimate good...

Best Regards

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