Ok, so yesterday a coworker of mine and I drove down to Monterey to visit a really upscale camera shop there, Camera West. By upscale I mean there was virtually no digital or general consumer stuff there -- it was almost all high-end professional equipment, including a large boutique dedicated to Leica. Oh man, it was beautiful! Just about everyone on this list would be drooling at all the beautiful stuff they had there.

Anyway, according to my coworker, this particular shop was one of the few he'd been to in Northern California that had Pentax 6x7 equipment, so we headed down there to visit the shop and spend some time in Fort Ord, an abandoned military base.

Before leaving, as luck would have it, the ME and 40mm pancake lens I won on eBay showed up! The body needs a little work, but is in decent shape. The lens needs that little speck removed. Both of these issues I think I can do on my own with a little help from my shop's technician.

Long story short, we drove down to Monterey and I walked out of Camera West with my own 6x7, a 105 2.4 lens and a roll of Tri-X 400 to play with. Sean, the fellow who helped me, was really great to work with, and got me all set up to shoot. Only thing I really wanted but couldn't afford was a metered finder, but I can get by without that for now. I was grinning for the rest of the day; no buyer's remorse for this Pentax nut!

My Pentax family:
Sorry it's such a lousy picture.

From biggest to littlest, not including my *istD (had to take the picture
with *something*): new used 6x7, ZX-30, MX (with recently aquired 50mm 1.2), ME w/40mm, Auto110.
In the background are my computer, Minolta Dimage Scan Dual III, my favorite beer, and assorted other things.

Anyway, Fort Ord was a lot of fun, but that's for a future post. Right now, I just wanna shoot! (:

John Celio

P.S.: I am going to have waaaaay too much equipment to play with tomorrow at the NorCal PDML gathering!


AIM: Neopifex

"Hey, I'm an artist. I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a statement."

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