Pentax made very nice, quite famous loupes :-) They ar expensive, thouh.
I just use the first wideangle I can find on my shelf.
Looking through it reversed gives a great magnification.
But sometimes I see the texture in the paper rather than the photograph :-)

I'd love to see a test: K 4/200mm vs. M 4/200mm.
Anyway, I'm quite surprised that the M 4/200mm seems to perform so well.
I actually bought it to sell, but now I believe I'll keep it.

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: John Whittingham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 6. marts 2005 22:20
Emne: RE: M 4/200mm vs F 4-5.6/70-210mm at 200mm

> Congratulation with the K 200mm, John! Quite a bargain! Is it better
> than the M - or just harder to find? Thanks for posting your
> results.

Thanks Jens, I'm not sure which is the best optically but it'll be
interesting to test both some time, perhaps post some results. I never
scanned the test shots of the previous test but examined prints under a
borrowed loupe, I really need to get a loupe of my own someday but not sure
what to buy.

> I'd like to have the FA 2.8/200mm, which is excellent. But this baby
> has a list price of 3200 USD here in Denmark, really!! And can be
> purchased for
> 1.359 Euro in Germany (which is about half, but still a lot of money)
> ! I guess I'll nevfer get the FA 2.8 :-)

Yes me too, the best I can manage is the FA 135mm f/2.8 (with occasional
TC attached). I've resigned myself to looking for a Sigma EX 70-200 f/2.8 OR
EX 180mm f/3.5 prime, at least I could put my EX converters to more use.

> But my K 2.8/105mm gives me "2.8/158mm" on the *ist D - Brilliant
> lens! I'll never part with that one. Razor sharp at f2.8!

Sounds great, I feel the same way about the 200mm M, I've had it for years
and won't part with it even if the K turns out better.


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